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总统义工奖(The President’s Volunteer Service Award)是美国最高荣誉的义工服务奖项,旨在鼓励美国居民,尤其是年轻一代积极参与社区义务服务,共同创造更美好的学习、工作和生活环境。自 2023 年6月7日起,我校很荣幸能够获批成为认证志愿服务时间并颁发美国总统义工奖的机构。我们将不断提供卓越的学习环境,同时积极创造义工服务机会,鼓励孩子们积极参与。我们期望每位孩子都能感受到通过坚韧与努力获得的总统义工奖章的非凡意义,以及获得总统签名的证书,这是一份令人骄傲和幸福的成就。希望每位孩子都能积极回馈社区,并自豪地佩戴这一荣誉勋章!


The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is a national award issued and recognized by the federal government of the United States of American. PVSA is one of the most authoritative proof of your participation in community volunteering services.​ Zao Learning Education became a certifying organization of PVSA on June, 7th, 2023, and is able to record the volunteering hours for the volunteers and apply for PVSA for them. We hope our students, teachers, parents actively participate in community services, to build a better school and community, while increasing our personal and organizational visibility and sense of belonging.

  • 美国公民或合法的永久居民

  • 5岁以上

Applicant Qualifications:

  • U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents

  • Aged 5 and above

  • 义工累计时限: 11月1日 — 次年10月31日的12个月内

  • 申请提交日期: 次年11月1日 – 11月20日

  • 审核日期:11月20日 – 12月1日

  • 颁奖典礼:我们将在12月底,或1月初举办隆重颁奖典礼。

Application Period:

  • Volunteer service cumulative timeframe: within 12 months from November 1 to the following year's October 31

  • Application submission dates: from November 1 to November 20 of the following year

  • Review dates: from November 20 to December 1

  • Awards Ceremony: We will hold an awards ceremony at the end of December or early January.

Application Submission:


Please complete the President's Volunteer Service Award application form at the bottom of this page and send it, along with proof of volunteer hours, to Volunteer hours related to school activities must amount to at least 40% of the requirement for each award category. For example, participating in various fashion shows and performances organized either by our school or other organizations in the community, serving as an emcee, coordinating pre-event activities, and providing both on-stage and behind-the-scenes services on the day of the event, and so on. Any unpaid teaching assistantship or teaching is considered as participation in school and community volunteer service activities.


Note 1: If the volunteer hours are earned through school activities, please fill out the application form and email the activity log (no need for an additional signature).


Note 2: If the volunteer hours are earned through organizations other than the school, proof of hours must be accompanied by the organization's seal or representative's signature. The format of volunteer documentation is flexible, but it must bear the organization's seal or representative's signature.


Note 3: Volunteer hours cannot be duplicated. For example, if volunteer hours have already been used for high school community service, that portion of hours cannot be used for the President's Volunteer Service Award application. You can use a portion of hours for high school community service and allocate the remaining hours for the President's Volunteer Service Award application.


Note 4: Please keep the original documents for review by the PVSA if necessary. The school will provide separate notification if original documents are required.



Application Fee: There is no application fee. The costs for awards ceremony tickets for family and friends will be notified separately.


在一个申请年度12个月以内(11月1日 — 次年10月31日),累计义工小时数不同年龄段和不同奖励级别具体要求如下。备注:年龄以申请人在10月31日时的实际年龄为准。

Award Levels: Within a 12-month application period (from November 1 to the following year's October 31), the specific requirements for cumulative volunteer hours vary by age group and award level. Note: Age is determined based on the applicant's age as of October 31.

  • 特殊奖项 – 总统义工终身成就奖:终身累计义工时数超过4000小时。

Special Award - President's Lifetime Achievement Award: Requires a lifetime cumulative total of over 4,000 volunteer hours.

  • 服务他人的义工活动

  • 无薪酬

  • 以下义工不属于总统义工奖的合格服务范畴:

    • 捐款

    • 政治游说(没有党派倾向的促进选民注册的活动是合格服务)

    • 宗教指导

    • 进行朝拜服务

    • 传教

    • 法院裁定的社区服务

    • 仅对家庭成员提供的服务

Volunteer Service Requirements:

  • Volunteer activities must be in service to others.

  • Must be unpaid.

The following volunteer activities do not qualify for the President's Volunteer Service Award:

  • Donations.

  • Political lobbying (non-partisan voter registration activities are eligible).

  • Religious instruction.

  • Worship services.

  • Proselytizing.

  • Court-ordered community service.

  • Services provided exclusively to family members.

总统义工奖 1_edited.jpg

The President’s Volunteer Service Award

White Waves


application portal

Thanks for submitting! 感谢提交申请,后台工作人员会与您联系。


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